Jaw Release

Did you know the jaw and the pelvis are physiologically connected and the alignment and relaxation of each deeply affects the other?

Clasp your hands loosely together and hold them around chest level, teeth very loosely touching and pretend you are putting a pair of lucky dice in your palms. Start to shake your ‘imaginary dice.’ While you are shaking the dice vocally let out a sound such as aaaggghhhhhh and let the sound release your jaw. Try to bring the vibration to your upper back and neck to release jaw and neck tension. You can think about it as clearing the jaw of stressors and reminding yourself to keep your jaw relaxed.

Wellness Tip - April 2021

Rather than upsetting ourselves if we occasionally forget something, how about making it a habit when our mind reminds us of something to think to ourselves, “wow, great thanks memory, you’re awesome!” It would be interesting for me to know how this works for you.

Wellness Tip - March 2021

Put a picture that brings you great gratitude or joy such as a pet, family member, a place you have been, or a happy time, and put the picture on your iPhone home screen, or print out to put in your wallet. Anytime you need a ‘pick me up’ or to ‘relax’, feel your feet on the floor and then take the time to gaze at the picture and take a few breaths. This shifts your state - it’s wonderful!