March Wellness Challenge of the Month

Create your own ‘reset’ button and practice using it whenever you find yourself tensing up. You’ll be amazed by taking that moment to pause and reset how it can help shift your state to feeling calmer. Your body and mind will thank you!

September 2021 - Wellness Challenge of the Month

Feeling a little down? Instead of reaching for a dark top put on a bright one, even a bright scarf or hat. Experiment with different colours and see if you observe anything. Also notice if you always wear the same colours, could you introduce a new colour to your wardrobe? Enjoy ‘soaking’ up the vibrant colours!

March 2021 Wellness Challenge

One of the number one recommendations to improve your mood and health is so simple – 30 minutes of walking outside every day! 

Here is the important part, commit to it, and even if you don’t ‘feel’ like it walk anyhow, rain or shine.

Moderate exercise like walking has been shown to boost lung size by up to 15 percent according to James Nestor = more energy!

Do it this month and see for yourself if you notice any changes!  I’m sure you will benefit and feel good!