You Get To Make It Up by Kathy Gottberg

I have benefited from and enjoyed reading Kathy Gottbergs’ blog SMART Living 365 that she has written for several years. Kathy has also written several books that are packed with helpful ideas and suggestions. For those who prefer an auditory book she has one of those too!
Kathy has a chapter in ‘You Get to Make It Up’ titled “What are you nexting? The Power of Positive Anticipation." "Nexting" is the act of planning things in the future to look forward to, in a positive way.’ She suggests we spend some time nexting the positive events we hope to experience in the coming months. How about spending some time nexting for 2022?

I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written. Juansen Dizon, Poet