
This is a pivotal moment for all of us. To set new intentions, extend kinder ways of living to others, and to our planet. It is up to each and every one of us to create a new world, starting now.

Take a moment to sit back, and imagine a new normal of peaceful co-existence, with no tolerance for hate or violence. Instead, a commitment of uniting together, and embracing our differences.

Feel the excitement of thinking about a world filled with love and peace. The leaders we choose have a forward vision, realizing that greed, anger and old grudges no longer serve us. We collectively realize we do not need as much as we thought we did, and enjoy living a simpler, less competitive, less consumer-based lives. We cherish our time together with family, friends, coworkers and community as our new priority becomes a sustainable earth. Society works together for future generations to come.

What a privilege it will be to look back and know that we were part of the movement to begin this new kind world. This new vision is what our hearts are needing, and our hearts will lead the way. It's your choice - how can you contribute to this new vision? How can you be a helper?