Am I Rushing or Savouring?

It was getting late, and I was rushing through my book to finish it before I went to bed. I turned the page and read the words, ‘Why are you rushing?’ That made me pause, and ask myself, why wasn’t I taking the time to savour the book? The faster, I rushed to the end the sooner the book would be over. Truth be told I have noted the same sensation when I have set my timer for twenty minutes for meditation and waited impatiently for the timer to go off. Rather than savouring how nice it is to sit quietly, and rest, I was impatient to do the next task on my list. It occurred to me life can be like that; you rush to get something done and before you know it, you’re off rushing for the next thing.

 I’ve decided an important question to ask myself from now on is, “Am I rushing or savouring this experience?” Think about how many times you could ask yourself that question.  For example, am I rushing or savouring my breakfast?  Am I rushing to my end goal or savouring the experiences that come with moving towards the goal? Am I rushing onto the next thing in life, or am I savouring what I currently have?  

Savouring life could be a game changer!  ~ Marnie