Wellness Quick Tip – Chew Gum

A way of staying calm that most people are unaware of is to chew gum.

The act of gum chewing has convincing health benefits. 

One of the oldest pieces of gum ever found is almost 6,000 years old. It was made of Birch Tar and found off the southern coast of Denmark.

  • A study presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine found chewing gum helped “relieve anxiety, improve alertness and reduce stress” among participants. 

  • Combats dry mouth.

  • Heartburn – neutralizes acid.

  • Slows your brain down in a moment of panic.

  • Can stimulate bowel movement.

  • Stimulates saliva flow which helps neutralize acids in dental plaque that cause cavities.

  • Higher productivity and fewer cognitive problems during the workday.

  • *Gum that is Sugar free and high quality.