December Wellness Practice

1. Notice the Good. 

We are wired to focus on the negative, and now more than ever it is important to notice how much good there is in the world! Make it a habit of finding at least three ‘goods’ a day, and either share them with a loved one or write them down. 

Take a few moments before you go to sleep, reflecting on what you’re grateful for. In other words, “Count Blessings, not Sheep.” 

2. 20 Seconds Rule: 

You need to savour the good things you notice and let them sink in for at least 20 seconds to be effective. For example, you’ve enjoyed a nice walk, pause, and breathe. Notice how good it feels to take the time to notice. 

Continually during the day, “Pause and Appreciate.”

3. Three-to-One Positivity Ratio: 

We need at least three positive thoughts to counter one negative thought! By doing this, we intentionally seek out and focus on positive thoughts and experiences. “Seek and Focus on the Positive.”