Disempowering Stories 

Do you find yourself sometimes telling yourself a negative "story" about yourself that plays havoc with your confidence? And even worse once you start you continue to embellish it until you feel awful? What can you do to stop this? 

The first step is as soon as you know the story is not in any way going to help you, interrupt it! Imagine if someone came up to talk to you and you constantly interrupted them whenever they tried to get a word out. What do you think they would do? Likely they would give up and walk away. This is exactly what you want your disempowering stories to do. Don’t give them a chance to take you down the rabbit hole. 

Need some ideas for interrupting the stories? Jump around, shake your hands and body, you could even hum loudly! Listen to a nice song, get outside for a walk, find a joke to read. These all fire electrical impulses to your brain to interrupt the negative story.  If you can think of another way to interrupt the story that would work better for you, do that. Have fun interrupting and enjoy how effective this is when done consistently.