The Teeter Totter

The Teeter Totter
Remember the last time you had an argument with someone that you found difficult to let go? Likely because you were so upset, no matter how hard you tried, you kept reliving the argument in your mind, even though the argument was over. By continuing to let the argument take center stage in your mind, you actually elevated the argument to the top thought in your mind. Here are some ideas for next time you find yourself in an argument, as we all know they are part of being human!

After an argument, you could ask yourself, is being angry how I want to spend my precious time? To help you let the argument go, visualize the two of you, on a teeter totter. The more you relive the argument, the higher you put the person on the teeter totter, and the lower you go because that is all that you are focusing on.

Next visualize straightening your legs, so you rise higher on the teeter totter which causes the other person to come down. Of course this doesn’t change what happened, but you are changing your reaction to the argument. Now that you are higher on the teeter totter your perspective changes by seeing the argument as small in the big scheme of things. You can now choose a mindset of peace rather than contributing to anger. This lets you choose healthy, more interesting and more inspiring thoughts to focus on.

Lastly, bring out the kid out that’s inside of you, and run over to the slide and climb high! See the view from up there, more expanded, more full of potential. Your life is more than than focusing on your argument. Enjoy the slide, and get on with your next adventure!

"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." ~ Cynthia Ozick