Act of Kindness

Act of Kindness
There was a knock on my door, and upon opening the door to my disbelief I saw a little angel with the sweetest smile and demeanour holding a heart. In the loveliest voice the angel said “Hello, as you know Christmas is fast approaching for those who celebrate it, and perhaps you have already noticed people are getting excited for the holiday and their get togethers with family and friends which is so wonderful. However, there is a favour I would like to ask of you, because not everyone is looking forward to the holidays. Some people have family that live far away, some are grieving, some ill, depressed, some lonely, others have lost their jobs, perhaps a breakup of a relationship, or the family is experiencing turmoil. And Christmas can be a very difficult time for them. If you know of someone that fits into any of these categories, or one I haven’t mentioned, could you remember to show them a kindness? It doesn’t have to be anything much, some baked cookies, a card, sharing a coffee, a smile.”
Then she reached for my palm and placed some small cards in it and gently closed my fingers and with a twinkle in her eyes she was gone.
Here's what the cards said:

Every act of kindness,
Reminds us
That our heart
Can Impart
The Sharing
Of Caring

And now dear reader I’d like to ask you to turn on your imagination, close your eyes, hold out your hand, and now I’m placing one of her cards in your hand. ~Marnie