
Years ago, it was quite popular to have a pen pal who you exchanged letters with, telling each other about your life, and your news. A kind of fun confidante who you may never meet in person.

An exercise to try: Imagine a fictional pen pal, and write a letter to them. You could talk about your accomplishments recently, your happy moments, and also include your worries and experiences that haven’t gone so well. The only requirement is you must be honest, because that is what pen pal relationships are all about.

If you were to take it one step further, write a letter every day for two weeks to your pen pal. What do you think you would notice? Would there be a theme? Would the letters be interesting? Would there be a lot of repetition? Would there be laughter? Would there be a lot of being hard on yourself?

These two weeks of letters would give you true insight on how you live your life. After reading them, you might notice simple changes in your life you can implement. You could list them, and then decide on the actions you need to take for your new behaviours. Give having a 'penpal' a try and see what you might learn!